The educational package for students in the ages of 12-18 years was developed on behalf of the Coordination Center on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Aruba (CMMA) and the Chain Manager Venezuela (KMVEN) as part of the awareness campaign
The curriculum uses the short film “Otro banda di lama” to inform the students about migrant smuggling and human trafficking in Aruba, how to recognize human trafficking and how to report suspicions or cases of human trafficking. The educational package is currently only available in Dutch.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) launched two new reports that examines the obstacle to safe and regular migration among marginalised populations with further recommendations for mitigating risks in the Caribbean
Request to download a copy of the Leiden University Master Thesis by Melissa Tuit: An Investigation Into the Nature of Human Trafficking on Aruba
On June 9th, 2023, the adaptation of the Aruba Penal Code was signed into law. In the new version of the APC the penalty for migrant smuggling (article 2:154 APC) has been raised from a range of 4 to 15 years imprisonment to a range of 6 to 18 years imprisonment and the specification ‘for the purpose of terrorisme’ was added. The penalty for human trafficking (article 2:239 APC) has been raised from a range of 8 to 18 years imprisonment to a range of 12 to 30 years imprisonment and the specifications ‘begging’ and ‘criminal exploitation’ were added.
The Taskforce on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling initiated this adaptation of the Aruba Penal Code in 2020, when it concluded that the penalties in the APC for human trafficking and migrant smuggling were lower than in other parts of the Kingdom and that certain specifications were missing.