

Migrant smuggling and human trafficking is a global issue, Aruba is no exception.

CMMA (Coördinatiecentrum Mensenhandel Mensensmokkel Aruba) is the central point of contact in Aruba on human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The 3 main goals are to inform, educate, and assist in the fight against human trafficking and migrant smuggling. The CMMA has a tip line dedicated to human trafficking and migrant smuggling situations where people can call for more information and notify the authorities of suspicious activity.

About CMMA

  • Information

    Receive and register information on possible cases on human trafficking and migrant smuggling (indicators, reports, trends, analyses, research, literature) Point of contact for the general public, humanitarian organizations and external partners; Investigate and publish research on subjects related to human trafficking and migrant smuggling; Report to (inter)national organizations on the status on human trafficking and migrant smuggling in Aruba.

  • Education

    The CMMA educates through lectures, training, seminars, webinars and conferences. The training to first responders and external partners is important for recognizing the indicators of human trafficking. The Habri bo Wowo website educates the local community on the signs on human trafficking and migrant smuggling.

  • Assistance

    The CMMA Coordinates and arranges services for victims of human trafficking. They also coordinate national and regional operations to identify possible victims and criminal organizations involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling.


FCVR, Futura and CMMA are organizing a four-day workshop “Safe cyberspace: Where girls thrive everywhere
Calling all young girls! On Saturday, November 25th 2023, the kick-off of the “Orange the World” awareness and advocacy campaign took place, spearheaded by FCVR. CMMA joined forces with FUTURA and FCVR this year, for an impactful Girls' Online Safety Workshop! On 2 different dates, in 2 different neighborhoods, from 6 to 8 PM, we're uniting to educate, empower, and elevate. Secure your spot by registering through the link below. Let's make the online world safer, together! #GirlsSafetyWorkshop #CMMAxFUTURAxFVCR #OnlineSafety" Dec 6th, MFA Paradera Dec 7th, MFA Savaneta
Click Here




Human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labour, sexual slavery, or commercial sexual exploitation for the trafficker or others.
It is a crime against a person and affects the right of a human being to self-determination, freedom and happiness. This crime violates the victim’s rights of movement and self-determination through force or coercion, and because of their commercial exploitation. The act of trafficking is: the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons.
Traffickers use the threat of force, deception, coercion, abuse of power or position of vulnerability. The purpose of trafficking is always exploitation.

Migrant Smuggling is the facilitation of irregular entry into a country where the migrant is not a national or resident. The criminals behind this highly profitable business seize the opportunity created by the need or desire of people to enter a country without legal status. Smugglers sell illegal and dangerous services to desperate people and are often part of a well-organized, multinational network. Migrant smuggling is a crime against a country. Unlike human trafficking, people smuggling is characterized by the consent between customer and smuggler – a contractual agreement that typically terminates upon arrival in the destination location.

The CMMA together with Ketenmanager Manager Venezuela (KMVEN)  premiered the feature film Otro Banda di Lama in the presence of Prime Minister Mrs. Evelyn Wever Croes and Minister of Justice Mr. Andin Bikker. The short film “Otro banda di lama” (Other side of the sea) is part of a bigger campaign to inform and educate the general population of Aruba on the harsh realities on human trafficking and migrant smuggling. A highly lucrative criminal activity which happens worldwide, and also in Aruba.
During the past year, the CMMA organized various events such as a silent walk, and installation of “workers for sale” in different locations on the island to raise awareness.

CMMA regularly provides training and (tailor-made) information about human trafficking. For example, we provide training to investigative services, the financial sector, airport personnel, the labor inspectorate, emergency services, and information to, for example, schools and the hospitality industry. Would you like more information about the possibilities? Please contact us


“Habri bo Wowo” is an awareness campaign that started in 2021 with the release of  first film, “Otro Banda di Lama.” This movie explored the important topics of human trafficking and migrant smuggling. Now, we’re excited to bring you “Otro Banda di e Cam,” our second local film production.

2023 Trafficking in Persons Report:

Aruba upgraded to Tier 2!

The US State Department published her TIP report 2023 yesterday
and upgraded Aruba to Tier 2!